Sunday, November 18, 2012

Paracord belt and rifle sling

With my husband dabbling in prepping and buying 300 feet of paracord and me with an idea for crocheting paracord...

Because I am lazy and did not want to take the time to learn all the fancy pants knots used to tie paracord lanyards and bracelets, I decided to crochet it. Also with crocheting it comes undone with a simple pull and no untying knots. So armed with a crochet hook and a vague memory of a paracord belt I once saw somewhere on line I started my little project.

First I needed to figure out a belt buckle. My husband has lots of these fabric belts that come on his cargo shorts so I thought he could spare one. I cut off the buckle, attached to the paracord and began.

I chained one row, measured it on the hubs and then double chained on the way back and finished off the end weaving it thru a few times and melting the ends with a lighter.

This belt is around 80 feet of paracord and a little too long because I lazily measured it on the hubs. But it works and if he ever needs 80ft of paracord he will have it in his Apocalypse stock pile.

While I was making the belt the hubs got a bright idea he wanted a sling. At this point my fingers were sore as paracord is a bit difficult to crochet so I said no. After a few days of healing I decided I would make that sling he wanted. After getting proper measurements from the hubs (32.5in) I crocheted in the same manner as the belt. This sling took about an hour and it's approximately 47 feet of paracord. We attached it with D rings.

So now he's set for survival if ever in need of paracord!


  1. "Paracord Belt and Rifle Sling DIY" indicates a do-it-yourself project involving crafting a belt and a sling for a rifle using paracord. How Improve Speed This DIY endeavor combines both functional and creative elements.
