Saturday, August 24, 2013

Painted Crown Royal Bottle & Glass Vase

spray painted crown royal bottle
So seeing these cute little painted crown royal bottles from I couldn't resit calling up my cousin to see if he had any empty bottles I could use.  Of course he obliged me with an empty bottle and I set out to Home Depot for some rustoleum flat chestnut spray paint.  It has a hint of glitter that catches the eye. I had or originally bought a black fleur-de-lis but it was too big for the bottle so back to hobby lobby for new ideas. Suggest no more than 3in wide and 4in high.   I made a DIY painting booth out of a card board box and went to town lightly covering the bottle.  I choose to spray the lid separately. By not having the lid on it, I was able to stick my finger in the top to turn the bottle around thus avoiding fingerprints or waiting for one side to dry! I have no patience and don't like to wait.  Good thing it was a nice hot sunny day and it dried quick.  Once dry I was able to affix my jeweled sticker on the front.

Once I finished with the crown royal bottle I decided to paint a vase.  Why not?  I have plenty and I had an extra sticker that was begging to be used on something.  I think the vase turned out cute too. 

And if I get sick of looking at the fluer-de-lis then I can just turn them around! Maybe I will fill the vase with some fall flowers?  Fall is coming soon and it already has a fall tone.

spray painted glass vase
cardboard box spray painting booth


  1. Great idea! I have a small lamp that I was going to sell at a garage sale but after reading this I think I give it new life with spray paint. Thanks!

  2. A painted Crown Royal bottle likely refers to a decorative or customized bottle of Crown Royal whiskey. How Improve Speed This could involve artistic designs, colors, or patterns applied to the bottle's exterior.
