Armour etch (Michaeals or Hobby Lobby)
Glass plate (dollar store)
Contact paper
Snowflake Paper punch (Hobby Lobby)
Reusable adhesive stencils (Walmart)
Paint Brush (I use a Q-tip)
Punch snowflakes out of the contact paper and adhere your stencil to the back side of the plate. Place your text stencils on the front side of the plate.
Doing one side of the plate at a time. I started with the back side that has the contact paper stencils. Cover each stencil with a generous amount of armour etch. I let mine sit on for about 15 minutes.
Now wash off the etching cream with water. Dry the plate and do the other side!
Remove all stencils and you have a pretty plate perfect for decoration or holiday cookies. Go forth and go mad etching things! This is so simple and quick!
"I have gone crafting mad" suggests a strong enthusiasm for crafting activities. How Improve Speed This person is likely deeply engrossed in various creative projects, perhaps trying out different techniques or materials.